CUniq HK
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Exclusive offer
Exclusive Offer for Hong Kong students, parents and campus staffs!
Prepayment Discount

1. Subscribe the $129 monthly plan and prepay the first 3 months. The first 3 months cost only $99 (4)/month on average, and then the online discounted price will be resumed.

You can arrange the usage period flexibly with no contract to restrict; you can simply charge online every 30 days to renew the card.
No Administrative Fee
HK$9 administration fee will be waived after the successful deduction of "Data Package" fee every 30 days.

HK Data


Free 3GB Mainland Data

Charge every 30 days#HK$undefined

HK Data usage


Charge of Extra HK Data


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HK Data


Free 6GB Mainland Data

Charge every 30 days#HK$undefined

HK Data usage


Charge of Extra HK Data


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Subscription Fee of 5G CUniq GO Student
5G CUniq GO Student Service Plan (30 Days) HK$129/30 days HK$199/30 days
Hong Kong Data Entitlement(2) 100GB 200GB
Still accessible to Hong Kong data service when the data entitlement in the bundle is consumed.
(The maximum mobile data transmission (upload/download) speed will be controlled at 384kbps and the use of peer-to-peer services and network tethering function will be restricted once the Monthly Fair Data Usage Level of the service plan is reached.)
Mainland Data Entitlement 3GB 6GB
After the data is exceeded(3) To apply for extra Hong Kong data ($15/1GB), please dial *118*202#;
To apply for extra Mainland data ($15/1GB), please dial *118*204#
Hong Kong Local Voice Usage(1) 4,000 minutes
Administration Fees Waived
(If the prepaid balance is insufficient to pay the subscription fee, the service plan will be automatically canceled and an administration fee of HK$9/30 days will be charged)
Standard Rate
Voice Service In Hong Kong In Mainland In Other Designated Regions(4)
Out-going Call(per minute)
To Hong Kong HK$0.3 HK$0.3 HK$10.0
To Macau HK$8.0 HK$8.0 HK$20.0
To the Mainland HK$0.3 HK$0.3 HK$10.0
Other IDD HK$8.0 HK$8.0 HK$20.0
(Excluding satellite calls)
Incoming Call(per minute) By Hong Kong or Mainland number HK$0.3 HK$0.3 HK$10.0
SMS Service In Hong Kong In Mainland In Other Designated Regions(4)
Send out To Hong Kong and the Mainland HK$0.5/SMS HK$3/SMS
To other regions/countries HK$1.5/SMS
Receive Free
Mobile Data Service In Hong Kong In Mainland In other designated areas(4)
Standard Data Charge (Applicable to “Non 5G CUniq GO Student” subscribers) (Applicable to “Non 5G CUniq GO Student” subscribers) Roaming data: HK$0.01/KB, daily charge capped at HK$20(5)
HK$0.5/MB,daily charge capped at HK$18(6) HK$0.5/MB, daily charge capped at HK$18(6)
Administration Fees
Every 30 days (Applicable to customers who do not subscribe any packages; or subscribers whose prepaid balance is insufficient to pay the subscription fee, then his/her service plan will be automatically canceled and administration fees will be charged)